In the news #2

Colorado shifts from roads to public transit systems

Looks like Colorado, the great state known for its famous slopes and outdoor terrain is going all in on the public transit system. Recently, the state was slated to finalize plans to expand interstate 25 which would cost $100 million dollars. Climate change superseded and the desire to combat greenhouse gas is at the forefront in focusing on public transit systems incuding better buses and bicycle lanes. While many will argue that wider lanes offers better commute times and travel it is an undeniable culprit to more cars and more gases in these already over-populated areas. Other areas like Houston and Los Angeles are pushing back on widening of highways as well highlighting the increased cases of asthma excaerbations for our black and latino coomunities in the inner city. 




Curators, EHN. “Colorado Shifts Focus from Highways to Transit.” EHN, 31 May 2024,

Final Week

This week I am choosing to talk about an enviormental health crisis based off of my real life current events. As I sit in our mobile response truck headed back to base I reflect on the 60 hours we worked this week alone This summer I have been deployed on two different assignments as a Paramedic to assist and support multiple rural municipalitites in Texas and Nevada. I have been in the field of EMS for almost 10 years, the entire span of my 20's. The conditions that people are under in this country are things that some could only imagine. I can only hope that 10 more years from now we continue to improve on emergency response policies for the overall health of first responders and those in need.

In the news #9

There are a lot of things about time change that we all cannot seem to agree on. Whether people enjoy when time "falls back" or "spring ahead" it will not be going away any time soon according to our laws... or will it? It seems like climate change is making our days last longer whether we like it or not. Another power move by mother nature. Meltwater from melting ice near our equator is rising causing the daily rotation to take just a bit longer than usual. Whether our clocks are set back an hour it seems like the evening commute home will keep getting brighter and brighter.         Sommer, Lauren. “Days Are Getting Slightly Longer - and It’s Due to Climate Change.” NPR, NPR, 19 July 2024,

In the news #8

Imagine you're pregnant and in need of healthcare for you and your unborn child. While navigating the process and trying to stay healthy during pregnancy it takes one year to finally get enrolled. A woman in Florida is set for trial as she tries to battle against medicaid disenrollment class action. While the healthcare you needed during the "holding" phase for the governemnt to approve your eligibility expired they continued to violate 1.8 million other constitutional rights. Who is going to govern the government?   Blake, S. (2024a, July 12). Woman loses Medicaid coverage right before Health Care Trial. Newsweek.

In the news #7

Corporate America is facing scrutiny daily it seems as we in a new era of enviornmental awakening. Whistleblowers in many engineering and medical industries are finally coming forward. On the chopping block this week is 3M. 3M is a global brand, and unfortunately has supressed the details pertaining to PFAS found in their products. Decades later and the truth is coming out. "Forever chemicals" which are PFAS, are dangerous for the human body and the enviornment. The end results relating to these harmful toxins could lead to organ disease and worst of all cancer. How did the truth come out? Well an employee was helping a writer in their search of a worthiwhile story and the studies deemed to be saddening. Blood samples were tested and results revealed evidence that these PFOS chemical produ

Week #6 Blog

As heatwaves sweep across the country, so does ERCOT sound the horns of increased power demands. Across the country many are facing record braking heat waves, and Texas is one of the top states with numbers surprassing thresholds. ERCOT continues to remain concerned about whether or not they can meet the demands of its residents, and honestly much of the country is scratching there heads about it too. Is power (pun intended) really controlling the minds of congress. Is it time to finally tell Texas to receive support from the government. How many summers will it take until we see greater change is unknown, but for now people must expect the worst and hope for the best. Stay cool Texas!

Weekly Blog #5

A historic town in East Palestine, Ohio with an infamous slogan "Where You Want to Be" is no longer a place where anyone wants to be near. Early last year in February there was a train derailment that affected close to 14% of midwest United States. Industrial accidents are increasing in staggering numbers and it raises concerns for enviornmental health scientists across the country. While the levels of toxicity in low there are still reports revealing it is high enough to cause long term health issues in the grand scheme. 

In the new #3

In recent news this week, FDA is getting put on blast with a list of ways they have fallen short of meeting the expectactions of United States in crises'. The agency has a magnifying glass after somehow getting by year after year without questions regarding regulations and other major public health concerns. Almost 66 years later, the FDA has been revealed to not oblige with a law they established in 1938... crickets are heard as answers are awaited to explain the cause of this non-compliance. Lead and mercury are the biggest concerns on the docket relating to childern and developmental deficits.